What makes us unique?

• We provide advice, support and guidance to our service users such as young people leaving care and those in after care.
• We work in partnership with other relevant and significant agencies and individuals to improve standards and quality of support provided.
• We recognise the racial, cultural, religious and linguistic needs of our service users
• We be responsive to the complaints and representations made by or on behalf of an individual.
• We encourage young people to make informed choices about their daily lives and future plans.
• We acquire practical skills such as budgeting, cooking, cleaning and hygiene.
• We work with young people around securing employment, education and training.
• We enhance their career opportunities and life chances.
• We support the young person’s identified vocation.
• We promote the individual’s health and well being.
• We support the young person in establishing support and social networks.
• We attend and contribute to LAC review and Pathway Plan for young people accommodated by the local authorities.

Do your family or anyone you know require social care, short term housing?