Our service delivery

Our aim is to provide short term accommodation and support services to adults, families and young people to enable them to live independently in the community.

Our objective is to provide an environment where our services users can feel safe, secure and be valued.
In the provision of services, we promote the choice and rights of service users in our care while taking into account their ethnic, religious and cultural background.

We have due regard and respect for all our service users and ensure they have uninterrupted access to all of our services.
All information relating to service users in our care is treated in a strictly confidential manner. Where it is necessary to share information, this will be done in accordance with procedures agreed between our clients and us.

We recognise that some service users and young people may have experienced traumatic situations and have developed mistrust or suspicion of others. We treat this with sensitivity and assist them in accessing appropriate specialist assistance if required.
We will safeguard the welfare of young people by minimising the risk of harassment or abuses from others whilst they are accommodated by us.

In the delivery of service to the user group, the following principles will be applied.

Provide a quality service which is accessible to all

Provide a range of safe and supportive environments where young people leaving care can be enabled to develop their practical skills and to manage their lives and use support networks in the community

To acknowledge the diversity of individuals and young people and their needs and to value these

To work in partnership with and foster working relationships with other organisations and agencies in improving standards of support provided to the service user

Do your family or anyone you know require social care, short term housing?